There’s been so much credit given to doctors and their life mission in the field of medicine. Sure, they deserve all the credit because they really do an amazing work. From cancer treatments, to brain operations people all over the world are being saved.
But entrepreneurs get absolutely no hero award. They spend as much time (if not more) on their life mission by connecting with fellow humans and getting them the help they need.
A garden blogger on YouTube inspires a guy to start a backyard garden. He started the backyard garden at the same time while he was having suicidal thoughts. But now, he is spending his time in the garden everyday by connecting to earth and eating healthy foods. Now, he’s a thriving human being who inspired his entire neighborhood to garden since he’s got his mental health in complete serenity.
An experienced writer, who’s written plenty of books in her lifetime, reaches a single mother who was on the verge of quitting writing her very first book. It’s been a rough two years and she’s not even half way there.
She gets inspired, and connected with that writer and she pushes through her difficult time to finish her very first book. That book goes viral and she is finally free from being poverty her entire life. She can take her 3 kids out of their bad neighborhood and place them in place with clean running water, and a healthy atmosphere. The single mother goes on to teach people who want to write for a living.
Both of these stories are made up.
But there are plenty of stories like this depicting entrepreneurs saving people’s lives. The entrepreneurs might not even get the credit, or even know that their work that they produced in their lifetime saved many people’s lives.
Don’t underestimate the next entrepreneur you meet. They too, deserve the credit of a hero.