You don’t have to be super-smart, super-experienced, super-certified, or super-confident to act on your dreams.
There’s all sorts of rules, laws, regulations, stipulations, history, trends, research, that will point to you and say that you are not good enought to start a business, or not certified enough to launch your dreams.
That often brings us down, and we fall into a trap of self pity. We go on to think that because of history, my DNA, my past or whatever it is you make up in your mind that you are not capable to do this or that. And you know what, you are right.
Because you made a decision to believe in that, you will not succeed.
But, it’s only a matter of belief that will change everything around for you.
Do you believe that regardless of the history, trends, DNA, research, and all that nonsense you will be a success in your life? Do you believe that you will be able to take your business to the next level, to transform lives, to give abundantly and to be part of a greater cause?
It’s only a matter of belief that will take you to take action and continue to attract more opportunities your way. Continue to believe, no matter what your history shows.
A lot of times people will create stories in their heads by saying that you need to have a piece of paper from college that claims that they are smart. Maybe you need to have all these certifications under your bealt before starting a business. At times, that may be true (lawyers, doctors, special health professionals) but majority of the time, we’re just making up stories in our heads.
There’s plenty of good examples of successful people that have started a number of businesses, but when you look back into their history, they grew up poor, in broken homes, lacking nutrition, lacking education but SOMEHOW they made it out. They not only made it out, but they are excelling in their industry/field.
Somehow, they believed.
Belief cures diseases, brings up families, connects opportunities, resurrects relationships, feeds the souls with happiness and conquers fear.