There’s an unlimited amount of excuses your mind will create for every act you do. Your mind can be quite creative with the reasons of why not to do the next thing you were planning on. People wait until the weather is good, until kids grow up, until they fix up their house, until they get a new car, until they move to a new house to do something transformational.
But in this thought process you will be sitting on your lawn chair, looking at clear blue skies and watching your life pass you by.
If someone wants to start a new business, they can create every possible risk of why they shouldn’t start a business. At the same time, people can create all the possible risk factors for getting married, starting a family, moving to a new city/state/country, going back to school, or anything new you’ve ever wanted to start in your life.
The reality is, our minds are really good at creating excuses that will keep us stagnant in our path. But what’s worse: not acting on pursuing your dreams, or living life with regret?
While there may be some risks that need to be addressed, but allowing the excuses attack our lives to prevent every single risk possible will damage our innovation, creativity and the possibilities of new opportunities that every single person has the ability to tap into.
Start acting towards your dreams and get up off of your lawn chair. Start making a change happen today, and all the possible doors will open up for you.