You know when you operate under a boss you have all these decisions that you are unable to make unless you speak to your boss. There are certain rules and protocols that need to be followed. Sometimes the pressure can get really hot and you experience stress, but other times you enjoy it.
But what happens when you start operating under a new boss: your dream? Your new boss, dream, doesn’t care if you’ve been fired. In fact, it doesn’t even care if you’ve been fired a bunch of times or have absolutely no experience in that field. It allows you to dream bigger and supports you every step of the way.
So in order to make a good relationship with your dream you wake up in the morning with your goals already written out from the night before and start operating under the assumption that your dream is your boss and it demands action.
There are daily check-ins with your dream, where you discuss your projects, your big goals, small goals and seek for advise when needed.
The only thing that your dream cares about is that you show up every single day and act towards the thing that lights you up, that makes you alive, and all your time is fully devoted to that one thing.
At times, you don’t even care if you didn’t get paid for it for a while, or if you missed your lunch, because you know that your dream will deliver an amazing reward at its’ perfect timing.
The only caveat about your boss, dream, is that if you don’t show up every single day, if you don’t show any movement on your behalf, your dream will dissipate into thin air and you will eventually get fired.