In the world of plugging into the sound of podcasts, TV, radio, music, talk shows, YouTube videos, we tend to forget how to be silent.
We’re always on the go, we’re always plugged in and our brains are constantly running on information overdrive. We take in and take in, but we don’t give our minds some rest. But who would’ve thought that your mind needs rest, just as your body does?
The art of silence is something that is an acquired activity. Something that is so simple but well overlooked.
When you are in complete silence while running errands, doing chores or driving you allow the intuition of your inner being exposed to creativity. The creativity that you don’t normally get while you’re plugged in, and constantly taking in. Sure, you might be learning something new from others, but it’s time to give out some creativity.
When practice being silent, your creative juices start flowing. You start expanding your horizons to greater places.
There are so many ideas that will overcome your mind when you are in complete silence. It doesn’t matter where you’re at in the world, what your occupation is, you are creative in the space you’re in.