Many times we sit and wait for something to happen so we can be directed on our paths. We wait for years, sometimes a lifetime for that perfect opportunity to come our way but the forces of opportunities never come.
We get extremely disappointed, walk around in complete dismay and wonder when the forces of these opportunities will land on our laps.
We wait to take on the opportunity of starting a new career until we’re “ready” for a change. The opportunity of learning something new until we’re comfortable in our own space. The opportunity that allows you to excel in your learning abilities, your cognitive behaviors, your doors to health or moving to a brand new city.
The forces of unborn opportunities will remain unborn unless you start the first move: act.
Acting on applying to that other job, on getting started with new clients, on making double the amount of calls you did last week to get ahead of the average folks or getting a grasp of mental health.
The force will come over you when you start acting towards your dreams and goals.
Opportunities will be born, resurrected and explored when we take those first steps to becoming a change. They will be unstoppable when you continue on your path.
The opportunities have your name written all over them. Put that act to work!! Stop doing the nonstop “research” all over Google and start by taking the first step. Even if you think you don’t know what you’re doing. Even if you think you’re so clueless and you can’t see 5 steps in front of you.