Your head will definitely turn at the sound of a flying car, a purple moon, a walking house, or a giraffe diving into a pool. Although all these things have yet to come into existence, human nature is drawn to something that’s never been done before.
Try to explain quantum physics in plain language to a 7 year old and allow the kid to express what he/she thinks about it. Try to give some thought that a purple moon will soon be the next full moon color. It’s the impeccable imagination that we don’t allow our minds to gravitate towards that make us suffer.
But what happens when we allow our minds to get carried away into a complete imaginary mind? Who says we can’t create illusions of our existence in our minds?
Only your mind can go places where no human has gone.
Giraffes don’t swim. And you will never see them diving into a pool.
You and I are giraffes that are wanting to create something that’s never been done before. All we need to do is to dive into that pool and release the imagination into the world!