The internet has transformed the way we live, think, and move. Its given us an abundant of options, opportunities, that someone in the 1920s would’ve never thought existed. But why do we take it for granted?
With a snap of a few fingers can whip out your phone and:
- Learn a new language
- Start a new business
- Learn how to garden
- Get out of debt
- Minimize
- Maximize
- Get healthy
- Lose weight
- Build a house
- Create a change
- Get a college degree
- Obtain all sorts of certifications
The options to excel, to grow, to propel your dreams are endless with what the internet offers you.
But why don’t we access all of what the internet is offering us? The benefits are extraordinary when you tap into what you want to achieve in life. Instead we choose to tap into the wasteful resources available to us: social media, TV, news and the mindless scroll of the internet. That is why we are not focused and determined to achieve any of our goals.
We have big dreams, but our attention spam is the size of a cat and we click on all sort of buttons when we’re on the internet.
Just imagine what you can do when you tap into the resources that the internet is offering. Image if you can get certified and get a promotion. Image if you can start losing weight by following ONE plan. By following ONE single workout regime.
But we choose to draw ourselves into a spiral mindless scroll.