It’s that time when you go into the gym and have an intense workout. You come out and you’re amazed to look back to see how you did all that.
It’s that time when you go into deep study sessions and pull all-nighters to prep for a final/test. You look back and say, I know that was not me.. I don’t know how I did all that.
It’s that time when you go to work, you look up and it’s time to go home but you haven’t even ate lunch!
It’s that time when you get completed carried away doing something you love, you lose track of time, days and weeks.
It’s that time when you procrastinate on your project and all of a sudden you get it done all in one night. When all this time you thought it was going to take you a lot longer.
You lose yourself. It’s no longer the lazy, boring, unproductive human version of yourself. It’s the creative, the powerful, the unstoppable new you.
Most artists, creators, actors and innovators know how to identify with this other human being living inside of them.
You go full speed. You lose your identity and you get into a phase of surreal power.
The act of losing your identity can happen to anyone, at any moment. It’s at that time when you get laser focused and nothing else matters until you are done. Done to it’s perfection, completion and satisfaction. It’s when you push your limits, when you go above your limited mind is when you start losing your identity.
It’s not you, but another identity that’s living on the inside of you. Let it roam free, let it be creative, innovative and new.
And when it takes over you, powerful results start occuring in your life.
Now, that is some exciting stuff I must say.