Hard work is not always rewarded with great victories. Many times we become immune to the hard work and think that one day it will all turn around for us. We end up losing track of our days, our projects and realize many years later we’re still in the same spot where we started from.
Hard work not all bad and should not be disregarded in its entirety but there’s one thing that needs to happen to change our momentum to start seeing results: make definite plans.
If we go about our days without writing down our goals, dreams, and set solid deadlines we will continue to be in the same rut.
But, when, and only when, we start making strong goals is when miraculous things start happening.
Napoleon Hill shared an impeccable story about a pastor who wanted to start a university but the only problem was, he needed a million dollars. He made great plans in his head and kept running through all sorts of scenarios. He couldn’t get past that dollar amount so it took him two years to finally get himself together and make a definite plan.
He decided that he will (somehow) acquire the 1 million dollars within one week. He did that by sitting down and writing out a sermon where he shares his story of what he will do if he ever received a million dollars. Immediately after his sermon was over, someone handed him the million dollars within 24 hours to fund a university.
The plan was created in his mind two years ago, but he didn’t accomplish anything until he wrote down his definite plan.
Writing out your goals can get you out of the rut and into a space of serenity.